Il “Wexford People” ricorda i 10 anni di gemellaggio con Lugo

Students from Lugo Italy (with the The Slaney Language Centre) were celebrating ten years of coming to Ireland with an Irish Dancing lesson at the Presentation School on Wednesday afternoon with dance teacher Eimear Hughes and assisted by Jim Shannon.

A group of 30 students and three teachers from Lugo,Wexford Italian twin town, visited Wexford on a study holiday organised by “Associazione gemellaggi e relazioni internazionali A.Guerrini Aps” in late July.

The Slaney Language Center organised lessons in the morning and cultural and sport activities in the afternoon. The group was hosted by Wexford families and were welcomed by the local authority who organised a guide tour of the town for the group.It was the students fourth experience in Wexford, but this year it was particularly important for all of them as it is the 10th year of the twinning relationship between Lugo and Wexford.

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